As we are sequestered with our household in the same square footage of space, all this togetherness can bring out the best and worst in us.
Help Me Deal With My Anger & Anxiety
So much to do . . . so little time! Taking kids to school, nursing a baby every 3 hours, homework to finish, baseball/soccer/tennis/ballet/music practice, planning dinner, studying for tests, paying bills, paying tuition, washing laundry, picking up dry-cleaning, planning for work meetings and budgets, handling a difficult teens, caring for a sick parent, battling marital or financial stress, feeling unappreciated, . . . and it’s only Monday! Is there any time when…
Coaching Discipline – Part 2
[This post is Part 2 of a 2-part series on Help Me God As I Discipline.] In our previous discipline post, we discussed the building blocks of discipline based on a foundation of CONNECTING, TRUST & AUTHORITY. The next level involves STRUCTURE and LIMITS. Children need to know the routine and rules. Structure encourages positive behavior and helps a child avoid negative behavior. It gives children the freedom to move…
Help Me Partner Together As We Parent
Parenting is about working as a team. God’s design to make a child requires a mom and dad. It is His design for them to stay together to raise that child. So how can moms help dads? How can dads help moms? Parenting is a big responsibility, and when we add that on top of the other obligations or stresses in our life, it becomes harder to balance. Perhaps you…