Rooted Relationships. Warm an' Loving Ministries. Photo Courtesy of Canva.

Roots: Relationships

We gravitate toward relationships where we get connection, closeness, acceptance, and approval. An essential part of our human nature is the need to belong. God designed us to start in relationship and continue with relationships. How do we grow relationships with intention and attention?

Fully Invested: Managing Conflict

Marv and I have been living in quarantine for over a month now.  The novelty has worn off, and we are creating our new normal.  Marv is counseling hurting people on the phone and with video chats from our home.  I am teaching my music students through FaceTime and now doing speaking seminars online with Zoom.  Our children have so generously bought and delivered us food, and I am so glad to be quarantined…

Becoming a Skillful Communicator

We want our children to become skillful communicators, but what does that look like? Some quick dictionary definitions for communication include: the successful conveying and sharing of ideas and feelings the exchange of information and the expression of feeling that can result in understanding Jesus gave us a great model of communication in Matthew 26: Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to…