Home . . . it is a dynamic place filled with activity, noise, and sometimes it gets pretty messy. Home is where we learn how to walk and how to pick ourselves up when we fall. Home is where we can make improvements when our lives are still under construction. Home is a place to grow. It takes wisdom to build a houseand understanding to set it on a firm foundation.…
Help Me Deal With My Anger & Anxiety
So much to do . . . so little time! Taking kids to school, nursing a baby every 3 hours, homework to finish, baseball/soccer/tennis/ballet/music practice, planning dinner, studying for tests, paying bills, paying tuition, washing laundry, picking up dry-cleaning, planning for work meetings and budgets, handling a difficult teens, caring for a sick parent, battling marital or financial stress, feeling unappreciated, . . . and it’s only Monday! Is there any time when…
Coaching Discipline – Part 2
[This post is Part 2 of a 2-part series on Help Me God As I Discipline.] In our previous discipline post, we discussed the building blocks of discipline based on a foundation of CONNECTING, TRUST & AUTHORITY. The next level involves STRUCTURE and LIMITS. Children need to know the routine and rules. Structure encourages positive behavior and helps a child avoid negative behavior. It gives children the freedom to move…
Coaching Discipline – Part I
[This post is Part 1 of a 2-part series on Help Me God As I Discipline.] When we watched the Winter Olympics, it was easy to “oooh” and “aaah” at these athletes’ incredible speed, form, strength, and grace. Their talent is inspiring! They make the most difficult moves look effortless. And perhaps there is a little Olympian in each of us thinking, “I wish I could do that!” We all…