Dear Joyce . . . Help! I am struggling with insecurity

Dear Joyce, I am struggling with insecurity. Since the birth of my third child, my body is a wreck, and I feel so unattractive. HELP!!! – Macey Dear Macey, When we had our babies in the ’70’s, it seemed to be okay for mothers to look like a mother. We were not expected to be in skinny jeans right after birthing. Our bodies are designed to support nursing and mothering.…

Dear Joyce . . . How do I get Bradley to fall asleep?

Hi Joyce! Oh my goodness, I feel a little at the end of my rope here and am hoping you might be able to offer me some insight. I know you do so much work with moms’ groups along with all your writing . . . I’m in a situation with Bradley that is causing me such anxiety because I really just don’t know what to do! I have two…

Dear Joyce . . . Homework

Dear Joyce, Help! You mentioned that it is wise to sit with our child when they begin taking music lessons. I am doing that when Katie practices piano. She and I generally get along well, but as her piano pieces have grown more difficult, her frustration has increased . . . and so has mine! I have been trying to remain patient and encouraging, but I am failing miserably. Before…

Living the Lesson: Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships (Part II)

Related Posts:  Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships, Living the Lesson: Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships (Part I) Psalm 10:17,18 -  “You hear oh Lord the desire of the afflicted, you encourage them, you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed.” In your family of origin, if you came crying about your affliction, how did your dad/mom respond to you? How do you respond now to your husband/wife and your…