These are uncertain times. In order to balance protection and release, we need wisdom and grace.
Help Me, God . . . Life Is A Risk
Life has always been a risk. There are risks in relationships, marriage, birthing, adoption, finance, careers, education, traveling. Risks are part of everyday life where we have to take a chance and be vulnerable. Risk feels heavier in 2020. How do we live life so that we can cut down the unwanted risks and enhance life?
Fully Invested: Years of Faithfulness
I had no clue when I got pregnant with my first child how much would be involved when being a mother. There have been a lot of joys and a lot of tears, but I would not trade it for anything. Parenthood is about being faithful – YEARS of faithfulness to the very end with the vision of raising a mature adult. Our investment in our children is about staying committed to…
Fully Invested: Managing Conflict
Marv and I have been living in quarantine for over a month now. The novelty has worn off, and we are creating our new normal. Marv is counseling hurting people on the phone and with video chats from our home. I am teaching my music students through FaceTime and now doing speaking seminars online with Zoom. Our children have so generously bought and delivered us food, and I am so glad to be quarantined…