Fully Invested: Managing Conflict

Marv and I have been living in quarantine for over a month now.  The novelty has worn off, and we are creating our new normal.  Marv is counseling hurting people on the phone and with video chats from our home.  I am teaching my music students through FaceTime and now doing speaking seminars online with Zoom.  Our children have so generously bought and delivered us food, and I am so glad to be quarantined…

Fully Invested

Our two eldest grandchildren were just launched to university this fall, and our hearts have been full of joy, excitement, and confidence for them as they journey into the next chapter of their independence. While our daughters (their mothers) wrestle with the bittersweet emotions of sending off their first-born babies, we see the 18 years of investment they have poured into their children. Taking an even longer view, we reflect…