Listen to W&L Online

Warm an’ Loving is excited to announce that we have a new online resource library where you can listen to some of our recorded seminars. Check it out at and click the RESOURCES page. These resources are made available to ALL, regardless of financial ability, due to the generous giving of our supporters. We are thankful for your support that allows us to continue doing and even dreaming! Â…

Impressions Made At Home

June is the season of promotions, graduations, and weddings! As each stage of life leads to more independence, it is good to reflect, “Am I creating a home environment that draws the family back home?” Is home a welcome place for my kids and their friends? Will my college student want to come back for holidays and school breaks? When she gets married, will they initiate visits? When he has his own…

Impressions and Your Teen

Teenagers are great aren’t they? They are curious, adventurous risk-takers. They are passionate, savvy, and spontaneous. They are idealistic. They have big dreams. With so much hope and potential in their favor, why do they cause parents such frustration? How can we channel their strengths as we continue to plant seeds into the hearts of these emerging adults? Recognizing their Needs Hormones are on overdrive. Bodies are changing. Brains are still…

Parent Adventure: Are We Having Fun Yet?

Are we having fun yet? From the expressions on your face throughout the day, do your children know that you are GLAD to be their parent? During the middle-of-the-night feedings, temper tantrums, flu, homework, dance recital, and baseball season, we forget that there is JOY in parenthood. We forget the miracle of how we waited so long (and thought it might never happen) for this little baby to come into…