Making impressions on our children involves intentional communication of love and values. Being a good model means embracing a life filled with integrity. It involves compassion and caring for others, and it also takes responsibility for mistakes and asks for forgiveness.
Roots: Legacy
We really have no control over what comes to us from our parents. We didn’t pick our family. We didn’t pick our heritage. But how we leave this world is something different. We have influence on our legacy. We have responsibility on what we leave behind. What legacy do YOU want to leave behind?
Roots: Relationships
We gravitate toward relationships where we get connection, closeness, acceptance, and approval. An essential part of our human nature is the need to belong. God designed us to start in relationship and continue with relationships. How do we grow relationships with intention and attention?
Roots: Commitment
Commitment. It’s not a word that is very popular today. Ads will frequently say: Free for 30 days. No commitment. No long term contract. This is a reflection of our culture as it celebrates the freedom of choice. However, on the topic of marriage relationships, commitment should be a treasured word. There is freedom in knowing that your life partner will stick with you for infinite days.