Fully Invested: Bonding

From the time a newborn baby (or adopted child) becomes a member of our family, our goal is to build a bond of love and trust. We want to communicate acceptance and unconditional love by bonding and investing in building a healthy relationship that will last. When my children were young, as I looked 20 years into future, I wanted us to have adult family dinners where we all enjoyed…

Home: Strengthening Your Marriage

As we continue our series, Home: A Place To Grow, strengthening the marriage is key to reinforcing the foundation of our family. As you live each day, a simple and easy way to remember how to improve your marriage is to look at Psalm 118. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24 [NIV] If we break up this…

Home: Building Relationships

Do you get stressed out by certain relationships in your family? Whiny preschooler? Forgetful child? Strong-willed teen? Nagging wife? Workaholic husband? Overbearing in-laws? How do we make connections in our home so that we can build and protect the heart of our family? Home Improvement A common relationship buster in the family home is overcommitment. We just don’t have enough time! What are some typical symptoms? We are always busy,…