A strong connection requires quality time AND quantity time. With persistent patience, prayer, and pursuit, you can restore connections and rebuild relationships.
Fully Invested: Loving Your Spouse
When you love your spouse, you invest in a marriage for a lifetime. The classic Disney fairytales of the prince and princess end with, “And they lived happily ever after. The end.” Actually, when it comes to marriage it is just the beginning!
Fully Invested: Bonding
From the time a newborn baby (or adopted child) becomes a member of our family, our goal is to build a bond of love and trust. We want to communicate acceptance and unconditional love by bonding and investing in building a healthy relationship that will last. When my children were young, as I looked 20 years into future, I wanted us to have adult family dinners where we all enjoyed…
Home: Strengthening Your Marriage
As we continue our series, Home: A Place To Grow, strengthening the marriage is key to reinforcing the foundation of our family. As you live each day, a simple and easy way to remember how to improve your marriage is to look at Psalm 118. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24 [NIV] If we break up this…