This is the last of the frequently-asked premarital questions. Next, we will address some of the FAQ marriage questions.  If you have more, leave a comment, or post a comment on our Facebook page! Do I need to marry my soul-mate, and should I be my fiance’s soul-mate to ensure a successful marriage? I don’t think you really become soul-mates until you get married and go through good and…
Love and Marriage: Premarital Q&A – In-Laws
One of us is used to doing what was told by parents, as an act of respect, and the other is less bound to that standard. How much in-law input should we consider in making our decisions? There are cultural differences that affect what is showing respect to your parents. These are important discussions before you get married. Do listen to input from your in-laws, but make sure that the…
Love and Marriage: Premarital Q&A – Planning Kids
Marv and I frequently speak at marriage conferences and seminars. In addition to our prepared talk, we also enjoy the Q&A time where we hear from you. Here are some of the frequently asked questions. How did having children change your marriage relationship? Were children planned? If so, how did you decide when to have children? We did plan to have three or four children but the timing was not…