In all challenging days of meal-making, carpool, after-school practices, homework, weekend games, dance recitals, competitions, online meetings, working overtime, home improvement repairs, and trips to the market, I hope we can enjoy pieces of the parenting adventure. It is hard. And it takes intentionality to look for the joy.
Parent Adventure: Planning the Adventure
Before planning any big trip or adventure, we need to create a plan (choose destination, pick a route, pack the bags, Go!). This is the same in the parenting adventure! We need to create a plan for our children to reach their final destination. PARENTHOOD ITINERARYDEPARTUREBirth DESTINATIONResponsible Adulthood ROUTEBiblical Modeling LUGGAGEBible Scripture, Prayer, Parenting Resources/Classes, Youth Groups, Schooling, Extra-Curricular Activities What is our parenting road map for this journey? We can easily…
Real moms do not have clean houses
Accept the reality: Real moms do not have immaculate houses without clutter.Real moms do not get everything done.Real moms look worn out at the end of the day.Real moms do not make gourmet meals every night.Real moms do not smile all day.Real moms make it through a day at a time. Real moms have the best reward . . . children who grow up, and the promise that someday they…
Dear Joyce, Kids are back in school, but I’m running in circles . . .
Dear Joyce, My kids are back in school (grade 4, grade 2 and preschool), but I feel like I am always running – I never get caught up!   I am a stay-at-home mom and not the most organized person. Dinner time is the worst since I am trying to help with homework at the same time. Please help me, Going Crazy Dear Going Crazy, I do have good news for…