Passionate Parenting Online Resources

Warm an’ Loving has updated its online resource library with our current series, Passionate Parenting – Parenting With Character. Click our RESOURCES page to hear us share parenting insights with MOPS moms and FIT dads. These resources are made available to ALL, regardless of financial ability, due to the generous giving of our supporters. We are thankful for your support that allows us to continue doing and even dreaming! Our…

Home: Growing Fruit in our Garden

Gardening is hard work. It takes time to prepare the soil and pull the weeds. Seeds can take weeks to grow and sprout their first leaves. Roots need time to stretch and strengthen to give a good foundation. And it isn’t a one-time job. You have to maintain the garden by continually watering, fertilizing, and weeding. Eventually, after all the nurturing, the flowers will bloom, the vegetables will ripen, and…

Growing in Goodness & Kindness

Goodness and kindness are two of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23) that tend to be hard to pin down specifically.  To be kind is to be good.  To do good is kind.  Here are some helpful thoughts that may help you differentiate goodness and kindness and apply them to your family and community. Goodness (Focusing on the moral aspect): Morally honorable (people of integrity) Intrinsically good Pleasing to…