What steals your parenting joy? A sink full of dirty dishes? Piles of laundry? An unexpected change in schedule? Your willful preschooler? Another lost or forgotten homework assignment? The smart-mouthed sass from your teenager? Monthly bills on top of the tuition and mortgage payments? Feeling too over-scheduled driving from A to B and back to A that you can’t even enjoy your family because you are so tired? Life is…
Home: Growing Fruit in our Garden
Gardening is hard work. It takes time to prepare the soil and pull the weeds. Seeds can take weeks to grow and sprout their first leaves. Roots need time to stretch and strengthen to give a good foundation. And it isn’t a one-time job. You have to maintain the garden by continually watering, fertilizing, and weeding. Eventually, after all the nurturing, the flowers will bloom, the vegetables will ripen, and…
Growing in Joy
We are in the last of our series of “Growing in Character,” and are closing with the topic of JOY! How appropriate it is for us to enter the summer with anticipation of happy memories – family vacations, lazy afternoons, summer picnics at the beach, roasting marshmallows by a campfire, and just relaxing with loved ones. However, sometimes the anticipation turns into piles of wet, sandy towels from the beach,…