What are some of the basic rules we teach our young children? In Robert Fulghum’s, All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten, he describes some fundamental life lessons that can be applied to children, teens, adults, families, companies, and governments. Share everything.Play fair.Don’t hit people.Put things back where you found them.Clean up your own mess.Don’t take things that aren’t yours.Say you’re sorry when you hurt somebody.Wash your…
Impressions and Your Teen
Teenagers are great aren’t they? They are curious, adventurous risk-takers. They are passionate, savvy, and spontaneous. They are idealistic. They have big dreams. With so much hope and potential in their favor, why do they cause parents such frustration? How can we channel their strengths as we continue to plant seeds into the hearts of these emerging adults? Recognizing their Needs Hormones are on overdrive. Bodies are changing. Brains are still…
Making Impressions with High Impact
Traditions impact our early memories. During the holiday season especially, we reminisce about our own childhood memories and impressions. We always went . . .We never opened gifts until . . .Mom always made . . .Dad always put . . . These traditions are something we carry with us, and we blend them together with our spouse’s and create or continue them with our children. We celebrate values and…
Making Impressions 24/7
We make impressions on our children 24/7. They watch what we do, hear what we say, and mimic us. After all, isn’t that what we teach them to do? Watch Mommy.Do it like this. Give a big kick like Daddy.Say sorry. Do they pick up the bad habits, too? The way we speak to the coach. How we treat the waitress. The way we drive. How we react to family…