Making Impressions 24/7

We make impressions on our children 24/7. They watch what we do, hear what we say, and mimic us. After all, isn’t that what we teach them to do? Watch Mommy.Do it like this. Give a big kick like Daddy.Say sorry. Do they pick up the bad habits, too? The way we speak to the coach. How we treat the waitress. The way we drive. How we react to family…

Making Impressions

Deuteronomy 6 is so practical when it comes to parenting. It reminds us that making impressions on our children is a long journey of many faithful steps. At most, we remember back to 2 generations (our grandparents). The impact of their decisions are ones we witness or hear stories about: Grandma’s determination to sew all the clothes for her children, Grandpa’s ability to fix everything. Each generation impresses upon the…