Kindness requires a habitual check-in with our heart, otherwise our days could easily be filled with angry commands, insensitive jokes, snarky remarks, and selfish actions.
Passionate Parenting: Goodness
Parenting with goodness is being passionate about integrity. There has to be something more than, “Because Mom said so,” to direct our decisions.
Passionate Parenting: Parenting With Character
This year we are going to look at what it means to parent with character and how to be passionate about the things that matter and last. It is never too late to start something good or end something bad. At the end of the day, your children will remember how you finish, so we want to encourage you to finish well.
Home: Growing Fruit in our Garden
Gardening is hard work. It takes time to prepare the soil and pull the weeds. Seeds can take weeks to grow and sprout their first leaves. Roots need time to stretch and strengthen to give a good foundation. And it isn’t a one-time job. You have to maintain the garden by continually watering, fertilizing, and weeding. Eventually, after all the nurturing, the flowers will bloom, the vegetables will ripen, and…