Roots: Legacy

When we began this series, we asked, “What have you inherited?”

I am reminded of a funny video showing a 7-year-old boy saying, “If you were born poor, that is your parents’ fault. If you die poor, that is your fault!”

What has come to you that is not of your choosing? We really have no control over what comes to us from our parents. We didn’t pick our parents, didn’t pick our family, and didn’t pick our heritage. But how we leave this world is something different. We have influence on our legacy. All of us start with heritage, and we end with legacy. We have responsibility on what we leave behind. So we conclude our Roots: Seeds Now – Harvest Later series asking, “What legacy do YOU want to leave behind?”

Our legacy is a culmination of many, many daily decisions. It’s not an, “Oh I’m old, now I have to think of my legacy and will.” Rather, it is a combination of everyday choices we make along the way.


I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also.

2 Timothy 1:5 [NIV]

An encouragement to single moms or moms who are married, but living like single moms: Just as Lois and Eunice were spiritual leaders and teachers in their homes, you have spiritual influence and impact. God will bring the godly men, just as He brought Paul, a spiritual father, to Timothy.

For we are co-workers in God’s service; you are God’s field, God’s building.

I Corinthains 3:9 [NIV]

Leaving an imprint on the world means giving our children the tools they need for living. For our household, Joyce and I wanted to:

  • Equip our children for their future with life skill sets for living (saying please & thank you, household chores, budgeting, paying bills, etc.)
  • Release children of character who are self-disciplined
  • Raise adults who are self-sustaining and contributing members of God’s kingdom
  • Fully invest in our children so they will fully invest in the next generation

A good model doesn’t just teach how, he shows how. What character skills are you LIVING as you think about the legacy you want to leave?


It is never too late to uproot something bad and never too late to plant something good.

There are weeds in our life that compete with the growth of the good. Focus on the good seed you want to plant and develop roots. It is important to look to the future with hope. Your situation may be far from ideal now, but think about how you can move forward and be an encourager. Even now, and grandparents, we find ourselves reaping harvest in our grandchildren after years of pouring into our children and their children.

Our best legacy is being a reflection (mirror) of who Jesus is, and to become his image in this world!

Read more about planting deep roots: Seeds Now-Harvest Later
Listen for more at our Resource Library
