Love and Marriage: Premarital Q&A – Soulmates

This is the last of the  frequently-asked premarital questions.  Next, we will address some of the FAQ marriage questions.   If you have more, leave a comment, or post a comment on our Facebook page!

Do I need to marry my soul-mate, and should I be my fiance’s soul-mate to ensure a successful marriage?

I don’t think you really become soul-mates until you get married and go through good and hard times together, pray together, and cry together.  Becoming a soul-mate is a result of serving and loving each other through the years.

How can I be sure that he/she loves me unconditionally?   Sometimes he/she uses phrases like, “If you… then…” and that causes me to have doubts.

Does your spouse clearly state that the relationship is predicated on your performance, i.e. “If you don’t _________, I am breaking up with you?”  If that is the case, you are not loved unconditionally.  If on the other hand, your partner is simply asking for behaviors to enhance the relationship, this is normal.   

How much baggage and unhealthy behavior learned form past experience should be resolved before going into marriage?

All of it!  Be aware that survival habits learned in unhealthy relationships may still pop up in even healthy relationships.  For example, if you lived with a person who was rage-ful, you may have learned to either pacify them or to disappear to be safe.  In a marriage, when your spouse becomes appropriately angry, you may be tempted to use your survival habits, rather than talking and walking through it.
