As a follow-up to our Parenting – An Investment That Grows posts, Marv includes a Living the Lesson scripture search to help moms and dads dig deeper into the Word of God. These questions are meant to help you think through the areas where God may be transforming in your life.
Related Post:Â Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships
Deuteronomy 33:27a – “The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the everlasting arms.â€
- What difference does it make to you that God is eternal? God is your refuge? His arms don’t quit?
- How have you experienced this refuge with God? With your spouse?
- How have you in life “been there†for others as the supportive arms?
Psalm 9:10 – “Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, oh Lord, have never forsaken those who seek you.â€
- When and how have you come to know God by name?
- How does that help you now?
- Thought: Â Other than your given name, you are also given the names of husband/father (wife/mother)
Psalm 10:14 – “But you, O God do see trouble and grief, you consider it to take in hand.  The victim commits himself to you; you are the helper of the fatherless.â€
- Â What difference does it make to you that God . . .
- Sees my problems (trouble)
- Sees my pain (grief)
- Is not only aware, but takes into thoughtful planning (consider)
- God will do something about my situations (take it in hand)
- What is this victim’s response to God about his situation?
- Thought:Â God expects us to do his job for our own children and for those who are fatherless.
Related Post:Â Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships