Legacy – Making Impressions Now

Making Impressions

As Joyce and I have gotten older, we have really treasured our grand-parenting years. At our age, a common question is, “What legacy do you want to leave?” What impressions do we want to leave on our children and grandchildren?

This season, we are focusing on making impressions for the future generations. Children hear everything we say, and they mimic everything we do. Let’s give them a good example!


The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.

Deuteronomy 6:4-5 [NIV]

The Shema prayer in Deuteronomy 6 is a famous prayer in the Bible and repeated daily in the Jewish home. It was given at the time the Ten Commandments were given as Moses was addressing the new generations of Israel in preparation for the promised land. Moses was reminding the Israelites not to repeat the mistakes of the past generations because he wanted them to receive and experience the full blessing God promised. In order to do this, they needed to love God fully and completely – above all others.

Isn’t interesting that what God really wanted from us was LOVE? The extension of this love was listening and obeying God because we trust in his faithfulness and love for us. How do we LIVE this so that it makes an impression on our children?


These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Deuteronomy 6:6-7 [NIV]

Two words stand out to me in this passage: impress and talk.

IMPRESS is being a good model. It means embracing a life filled with integrity and values. It involves compassion and caring for others. And it also takes responsibility for mistakes and asks for forgiveness. The beauty in the mistakes is when it fosters growth.

TALK is about being intentional…be the “talker.” Communicate your love and your values – through words and action. Speak life and encouragement as you coach correction. Model compassion and humility as you care for one another. Understand the emotional entry points of each child so you know how to access his heart and make an impression.

Mom loves me . . . all the time.
Dad likes to spend time with me.
Mom needs some alone time.
Dad gets sad and mad.
Mom is available to me.
Dad says sorry when he makes mistakes.
Mom loves my dad even he makes mistakes.
Dad believes I will make it.
Mom takes care of other people.
Dad prays.

What impressions are you making? What impressions can you re-do today?

Listen to Marv and Joyce talk about Legacy and Making Impressions in Resource Library
Hear more on Parenting and Marriage
