Impressing Forever Values – Relating to God

Our values can be seen by our attitudes and actions. As we raise our children, we hope to impress upon them Forever Values that will steer their decision making. Forever Values are based on principles and stand the test of time and culture. They help us create the atmosphere of our home.

God showed His people the true function and beauty of His values known as the Ten Commandments [Exodus 20]. We firmly believe that these laws were not about restrictions, but rather about living under freedom. God’s heart was not to have his people live in a confined box of rules and restrictions, but rather, his heart was to have his people live with the freedom to experience and know Him fully without any guilt or shame.

How an we pass on some Forever Values to our children? Let’s look at the ten freedoms God gives us in Exodus and in the New Testament.

Freedom #1

You shall have no other gods before me.

Exodus 20:3 [NIV]

Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.

Matthew 4:10 [NIV]

Making God our central priority gives us the freedom to have an integrated focus. We can turn our attention to various things without losing the perspective of why we are doing it. When “other gods” (money, career, lust, pride, children, education, material things, . . . ) take priority, we often chase after things that can never satisfy.  Knowing and trusting that God is in control of all things, we can appreciate the long-term view and be comforted that life is just not about today. By keeping God integrated in our lives with worship, prayer, and scripture, we remember to refocus on Him.

Freedom #2

You must not make for yourself an idol.

Exodus 20:4 [NIV]

No one can serve two masters.

Luke 16:13 [NIV]

God gives us the freedom to experience the real Him – no fakes, no imitations. God is the Creator, and we are made in His image. Through Jesus Christ, we have direct access to God, and He can speak to us through scripture, music, pictures, nature, mentors, pastors, teachers, other believers. Our modern day idols are not as obvious as a golden statue. Today’s idols may look like:

  • Comfort (because I expect an easy life)
  • Control (because I’m the boss)
  • Respect (because I deserve)
  • Appreciation (because I do)
  • Success (because I want).

To live in freedom to experience the fullness of our God, we need to watch what controls our heart. Monitor the screens, music, magazines, relationships that feed our soul. Scripture reminds us that life is a spiritual battle being fought on the turf of our heart [Ephesians 6:12]. Impress upon your children that they can be secure in God, who they can trust.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Ephesians 6:12 [NIV]

Freedom #3

You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.

Exodus 20:7 [NIV]

“Do not swear an oath at all”

Matthew 5:34 [NIV]

This law of the Ten Commandments addresses the freedom to show respect to God and others. We can freely speak directly to God, our Creator, in praise and prayer. We can also respect others when we speak to them without the extra expletives that use God’s name. Give your children more creative words they can use when they are frustrated or excited. Even acronyms, like OMG and its derivatives, have desensitized us to what the actual words stand for. Instead, embrace the freedom to speak the names of God: Father, Creator, Healer, Comforter, Provider, Defender, Eternal, Faithful.

Freedom #4

Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.

Exodus 20:8 [NIV]

The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.

Mark 2:27-28 [NIV]

When we are busy, busy, busy, the opportunity to rest and do nothing feels like such a luxury. God intended for us to rest after our work and have a day to honor Him. The Sabbath is a freedom to rest without guilt and to worship with expectation of God’s presence. However, this does take preparation. We need physical preparation of our schedule (work, activities, sports, meals) and spiritual preparation of our heart. When we come prepared, our children can experience an unhurried, holy day with the family.

In first four of the Ten Commandments, God shows us how to draw closer to Him. With the freedom to know Him, we learn how He thinks and how He wants to direct our lives. These Forever Values help us align our lives with our Creator and fill our homes with hope.
