Help Me With My Chaos

When we are feeling OVERWHELMED from the chaos in our lives . . . HELP us God!! During our weeks, we have external chaos and internal chaos. The external: schedules, deadlines, meetings, obligations, illness . . . The internal: disorganization, perfectionism, depression, stress, fear, anxiety, self-esteem, loss . . . How do we address our hurts? What is our hope? What can be done to help?

What’s the hurt?

Is your chaos the clutter? An over-scheduled life? Not enough help? Fatigue? Disorder? Too much to do? 

This external chaos can magnify our internal chaos when it isn’t managed. Stress can be a good thing – it can help us develop character when faced with difficult situations. We need some stress in our life to teach us to persevere, to be compassionate, to stand for justice, to develop good work habits. However, too much stress can leave us feeling overwhelmed and defeated.

What’s the hope?

James 1:5 – If we lack wisdom, we have only to ask of God who gives it generously to all me, without making them feel foolish or guilty.

Isaiah 41:10 – So do not fear, for I am with you, do not be dismayed, for I am your God.  I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Proverbs 31: 28a – Your children arise and call you blessed . . .

What’s the help?

Here are some practical tips that may help you begin the process of organizing your chaos:

  • Make lists
  • Figure out what gets lost
  • When cleaning, make piles of Keep, Give Away, Throw Away
  • Don’t put it down, put it back
  • Go through mail daily, toss out the junk mail – “only touch paper once”
  • Clean out your car/purse/briefcase
  • Get the kids involved
  • Keep the laundry caught up – it’s a 5 step process: Sort, Wash, Dry, Fold, Put Away
  • Get a helper (housekeeper, babysitter, mother’s helper)

Toss around ideas with your friends and perhaps you can create some new routines in your home. Create a schedule that works for your family. What worked for the Brown family may need to be tweaked a bit for the King family. Remember: it is best to give your child your undivided attention for 10 minutes, than “half an ear” for an hour.
