Parenting is about working as a team. God’s design to make a child requires a mom and dad. It is His design for them to stay together to raise that child. So how can moms help dads? How can dads help moms?
Parenting is a big responsibility, and when we add that on top of the other obligations or stresses in our life, it becomes harder to balance. Perhaps you feel the burden of being a single parent (or a single parent with a spouse). Maybe you are struggling with conflicts in your marriage or parenting issues. Or, there might be work stress, health challenges, or extended family problems. Nobody’s life is as simple as it may look from the outside. Now add to that, a colicky baby, strong-willed child, moody tween, defiant teenager, and a child with special needs – – how are we supposed to do this? The good news is: We can’t, but God can!
What’s the Hope?
If we lack wisdom, we have only to ask of God who gives it generously to all men, without making them feel foolish or guilty.
James 1:5
Wisdom is knowledge and understanding from God’s point of view. Parenting is an opportunity for us to grow as a person and as a partner. You have to deal with your own issues and beliefs as you identify with how you were parented and how it affected you. As partners, we choose to work together for the benefit of our children. We need the Lord as we work to strengthen our marriage by affirming commitment, building intimacy, and maintaining passion. As a TEAM, we must realize that children do better having both mom and dad in their lives.
How can we help our child with their relationship with the other parent?
Moms: Let dad be dad. – – Dads: Let mom be mom.
Each of us brings something to the family table. It is important that we don’t sabotage our spouse, but rather, we should appreciate his/her strengths. If we need help, we need to ask and be willing to give, rather than suffer and mumble with resentment. Ask questions and give specific answers.
Ugh! You never help with anything!
This place is such a mess!TRY ASKING:
How can I help you on Wednesday night?
Can you pick up the dry cleaning on your way home?
Children need to be bonded with both mom and dad. Your decisions and actions teach your child from her earliest days about life, love, and relationships. If you do not have a partner, connecting with other adults will give you a valuable energy boost. Taking time to cherish a partner as well as your individual needs isn’t selfishness or bad parenting; it’s wisdom. Your child will learn to respect and value the needs and feelings of others by watching the choices you make.
Most of all, we need to encourage each other to pray – together as parents and together with your child.