Fully Invested: Health Yourself

When many of us look at finance and investments, it can feel overwhelming. Where does one begin? There are so many options that we get analysis paralysis. Taking a cue from Warren Buffet’s best investing advice for beginners, one of his eight proven investment tips was: Invest In Yourself First.

“The best investment you can make is in your own abilities. Anything you can do to develop your own abilities or business is likely to be more productive.”

Warren Buffet

Expanding this idea to PARENTING, we want to address how important it is to take care of yourself, so that you can take care of others.


Jesus Christ wants us to experience a full and abundant life. When we are filled by Him, we have more to pour into others.

I am the Gateway. To enter through me is to experience life, freedom, and satisfaction. A thief has only one thing in mind – he wants to steal, slaughter, and destroy. But I have come to give you everything in abundance, more than you expect – life in its fullness until you overflow!

John 10:9-10 [The Passion Translation]

When we have a full tank of gas, we can go a lot further, but most of the time parents feel like they are running on empty. We are still recovering from last night’s 3 AM feeding, the weekend soccer tournament, an empty fridge at 5 PM and no idea what to cook for dinner, unexpected stomach flu, the misplaced field trip permission slip, and the poster board we need to get from Staples because the project is due tomorrow! With all this going on, how do we not lose it?!


Life challenges us with keeping a balance. However, I would dare to say that we need to make more deposits than withdrawals so that at the end of the day we are not left with zero. The health of your family is dependent on your well being. When making investments in your health, focus on the Spirit, Soul, and Body.

  • Spirit – WHOLE and HOLY
  • Soul – WHOLE and MATURE
  • Body – WHOLE and HEALTHY

Make deposits in your SPIRIT by getting some encouragement through good teaching through a book, blog, or podcast. There are so many wonderful resources out there. If you prefer doing life in community, do a book club or join a study group. Make deposits in your SOUL by feeding your mind, heart, and will. (When our daughters were young, we called it the Thinker, Feeler, and Chooser) Keep learning/reading/listening for your mind. Seek counsel and compassion for your heart. Plan and follow-through with your will. For your BODY, make deposits by working hard, playing hard, resting well, working out, eating well, and managing stress.


These deposits do NOT have to be big things. These are simple things that can be regularly incorporated into our day or week (cup of coffee, morning shower, inspirational music, quiet prayer, a good book, reading a devotional, working out, meeting a friend, TV show, small group meetings, evening bathtub soak). Participate in daily self-care so that you can do child-care more effectively.


You are responsible for your own maturity at every level. Focus on your changes that you need to make personally and give it time to grow. Communicate the changes that are needed with your spouse & children and support their growth.

Sometimes you have to let go the picture of what you thought life would be like and learn to find JOY in the story you are living.

Rachel Marie Martin

Parenting is hard. Don’t let pain, fatigue, stress take away from the vision ahead. Start where you are and take one step forward.
