Fully Invested

Our two eldest grandchildren were just launched to university this fall, and our hearts have been full of joy, excitement, and confidence for them as they journey into the next chapter of their independence. While our daughters (their mothers) wrestle with the bittersweet emotions of sending off their first-born babies, we see the 18 years of investment they have poured into their children. Taking an even longer view, we reflect on the investment we have made in our daughters, and how those dividends have trickled down into the next generation.

Parenting is a large and long investment. It is about investing in what lasts. It is about making adjustments for different stages. Parenting is the process of helping your children to live successfully on this earth and to prepare for heaven. With large investments, we hope for huge returns . . . but nothing is guaranteed. So how can we stay full invested without going fully crazy?!

Our new theme for our Parenting Seminars is titled, Fully Invested. We will be looking at different investments we can make as parents in relationship to the desired dividend of a healthy (not perfect!) family.

Join any our seminars or follow our blog as we give you support to help your parenting investments grow!
