Dear Joyce & Marv, I’m worried about Middle School . . .

Adrea Scheidler Photography

Adrea Scheidler Photography

Dear Joyce and Marv,

I am so worried about my oldest child who is starting Middle School in September. I hear that there are drugs, bad language, and gangs in schools.  Help!!!


Dear Dorothy,

Peer influence is a reality.  Be encouraged that your home is still the biggest influence on your child’s life.  Prepare your child by talking about issues and what to do when confronted with them.  Church and school involvement is an important piece in the life of a pre-teen and teen.  Since your child will be interfacing with diverse youth, it is crucial that your child gets connected to other kids with like-interest and character.  There are always “good” kids and troublemakers so help your child to discern and to choose friends wisely.  Make your home a center for activities.  It is a comfort to know that praying takes you from worrying about what you don’t want to happen to what you do want – that your child will be a “light” in dark places.

Love, Joyce
