Growing in Goodness & Kindness

Goodness and kindness are two of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23) that tend to be hard to pin down specifically.  To be kind is to be good.  To do good is kind.  Here are some helpful thoughts that may help you differentiate goodness and kindness and apply them to your family and community. Goodness (Focusing on the moral aspect): Morally honorable (people of integrity) Intrinsically good Pleasing to…

Growing in Self-Control

We are nearing the end of the school year.  It is a time of joy and anticipation as students graduate, and summer is just around the corner.  At the same time, it is almost the end of the school year!  There are tests, projects, year-end activities, . . . when did it get so busy?  And then to think:  Will Joey ever remember to bring home his lunchbox?  Will Hailey…

Building Memories – Christmas

I have great news: You do not need expensive toys to build memories. I have vivid memories of the smells and sights of the holidays.  My mom was a great baker.  The blue lights perfectly placed around our house by dad reflected on the white snow.  Children performed at church on Christmas Eve and were given a goodie bag.  We opened our gifts by the fire on Christmas Eve and…

Building Memories

Celebrate your VALUES!  We just enjoyed Canadian Thanksgiving with 40 friends that get together annually at our home.  This tradition came out of our value of family and our value for our heritage. Close to 40 years ago, we decided to plan an EVENT so our girls would know where we came from and would meet other Canadians who have moved to Southern California.  We all enjoyed the turkey dinner…