Traditions are something that develop deep in our family root system. They get built up over a long period. They take time and repetition, and we have to trust the seeds.
The Parent Adventure: Enjoying The Adventure
In all challenging days of meal-making, carpool, after-school practices, homework, weekend games, dance recitals, competitions, online meetings, working overtime, home improvement repairs, and trips to the market, I hope we can enjoy pieces of the parenting adventure. It is hard. And it takes intentionality to look for the joy.
The Parent Adventure: Adventuring With Your Teen & Young Adult
Ready for a ride??? Fasten your seat belts as raising teens can feel like a speedway with a lot of hairpin turns! Change. Flexibility. The teen adventure is about shifting gears.
The Parent Adventure: Discipline Adventure’s Travel Tips
Discipline needs leadership, and our families need parents willing to lead.