How do you balance time spent with each other and time spent with friends (away from each other)? The time spent with your spouse should be your first priority. Â If you are doing that adequately, schedule time with your friends. Â Try to do this at a time that does not take away from each other. Â If your partner has good friendships, encourage them to nurture those friendships, but not at…
Love and Marriage Q&A – Time Together
February usually is marked as a month of LOVE. However, good marriages do not run on auto-pilot. They require effort from both partners to keep a marriage thriving. We will be posting a series of FAQ we have encountered through our years of counseling and speaking engagements. If a few of these hit home with you, take action – talk about it with your spouse, and pray about it together!…
Dear Joyce, I have become so impatient . . .
Dear Joyce, I have two preschoolers and one child in elementary school. Â I feel like I am very irritable and short most of the time, and I never thought I would be so impatient. Â My 4-year-old disobeys constantly, and I find that I am screaming at him every day. My kids are screaming and hurting each other. What can I do? Help! Â Sarah Dear Sarah, Thanks for acknowledging your struggles.…
Love and Marriage: Premarital Q&A – Soulmates
This is the last of the frequently-asked premarital questions. Next, we will address some of the FAQ marriage questions.  If you have more, leave a comment, or post a comment on our Facebook page! Do I need to marry my soul-mate, and should I be my fiance’s soul-mate to ensure a successful marriage? I don’t think you really become soul-mates until you get married and go through good and…