Parent Adventure: Teens

Teen – it is a small number, but so complex! When our children hit their teenage years, it is natural for them to want to make their own decisions and think for himself while rejecting the opinions of mom and dad. They possess a natural curiosity and belief in invincibility which makes them passionate about ideas and courageous risk-takers. On the flip-side, it can make parents experience some emotional whiplash…

Parent Adventure: Leading the Adventurous Child

Oh, the adventurous child! Pushing the limits . . . coloring outside the lines . . . challenging the rules . . . extreme tears . . . extreme laughter. The parental gasp is filled with fear, anger, shock, and gratitude all at the same time. And as much as we love them, we need to lead them with purpose and authority. With our leadership, we can release the parental…

Home: Strengthening Your Marriage

As we continue our series, Home: A Place To Grow, strengthening the marriage is key to reinforcing the foundation of our family. As you live each day, a simple and easy way to remember how to improve your marriage is to look at Psalm 118. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24 [NIV] If we break up this…

Home: Building Relationships

Do you get stressed out by certain relationships in your family? Whiny preschooler? Forgetful child? Strong-willed teen? Nagging wife? Workaholic husband? Overbearing in-laws? How do we make connections in our home so that we can build and protect the heart of our family? Home Improvement A common relationship buster in the family home is overcommitment. We just don’t have enough time! What are some typical symptoms? We are always busy,…