Discipline is a word that evokes a variety of emotions in people. It is the fear when you got in trouble. It is the “Charlie Brown” lecture that falls to deaf ears. It is the frustrated mom at her wit’s end. It is the time-out or spanking. It is a memory of a raging parent. As parents, if we dig deeper into our hopes for our children, we can reinterpret…
Home: Building Relationships
Do you get stressed out by certain relationships in your family? Whiny preschooler? Forgetful child? Strong-willed teen? Nagging wife? Workaholic husband? Overbearing in-laws? How do we make connections in our home so that we can build and protect the heart of our family? Home Improvement A common relationship buster in the family home is overcommitment. We just don’t have enough time! What are some typical symptoms? We are always busy,…
Home: Celebrating Advent
Holidays are about passing traditions that connect the past to the present to the future. Traditions: connect former generations and values [Past] connect you to people you love [Present] help you pass on your values to the future generations [Future] We create traditions by celebrating VALUES through an EVENT with people we love, and we REPEAT it annually (if you enjoyed it) with the hope that the next generation CONTINUES…
Home: Growing Fruit in our Garden
Gardening is hard work. It takes time to prepare the soil and pull the weeds. Seeds can take weeks to grow and sprout their first leaves. Roots need time to stretch and strengthen to give a good foundation. And it isn’t a one-time job. You have to maintain the garden by continually watering, fertilizing, and weeding. Eventually, after all the nurturing, the flowers will bloom, the vegetables will ripen, and…