Parent Adventure: Planning the Adventure

Before planning any big trip or adventure, we need to create a plan (choose destination, pick a route, pack the bags, Go!). This is the same in the parenting adventure!  We need to create a plan for our children to reach their final destination. PARENTHOOD ITINERARYDEPARTUREBirth DESTINATIONResponsible Adulthood ROUTEBiblical Modeling LUGGAGEBible Scripture, Prayer, Parenting Resources/Classes, Youth Groups, Schooling, Extra-Curricular Activities What is our parenting road map for this journey? We can easily…

The Parent Adventure

Parenting is an adventure, isn’t it? In the road map of parenting, we know the starting point (pregnancy) and end point (adulthood). However, navigating the path is tricky! There are the uphill climbs with a newborn, the windy roads of elementary years, the roadblocks and pitfalls of the teen years. However, within those twists and turns, there are beautiful vista points where we must stop and soak in the view…

Creating A Learning Lab For Life

Children are always learning whether the teaching is intentional or not. Our children learn more from how we live OUR life than from a parental lecture. We are always teaching by modeling and mentoring. Fall is the beginning of a new school year. It is a perfect time to get a “restart” on school life, and it’s a second chance to “revisit” some of those new year resolutions we made…