Our two eldest grandchildren were just launched to university this fall, and our hearts have been full of joy, excitement, and confidence for them as they journey into the next chapter of their independence. While our daughters (their mothers) wrestle with the bittersweet emotions of sending off their first-born babies, we see the 18 years of investment they have poured into their children. Taking an even longer view, we reflect…
Passionate Parenting: Joy
What steals your parenting joy? A sink full of dirty dishes? Piles of laundry? An unexpected change in schedule? Your willful preschooler? Another lost or forgotten homework assignment? The smart-mouthed sass from your teenager? Monthly bills on top of the tuition and mortgage payments? Feeling too over-scheduled driving from A to B and back to A that you can’t even enjoy your family because you are so tired? Life is…
Passionate Parenting: Self-Control
We all want our children to have self-control and to learn how to manage their lives. How do we train our diamonds in the rough? We do a lot of polishing! Self-control is a strength, and it is an essential part of healthy emotional development. It is the ability to stop yourself from doing things that would be damaging or have negative results. It is choosing to control your own…
Passionate Parenting: Love
God’s agape love is our ultimate example of how to love. It is unconditional, sacrificial, and initiating.