Growing in Joy

We are in the last of our series of “Growing in Character,” and are closing with the topic of JOY!  How appropriate it is for us to enter the summer with anticipation of happy memories – family vacations, lazy afternoons, summer picnics at the beach, roasting marshmallows by a campfire, and just relaxing with loved ones.  However, sometimes the anticipation turns into piles of wet, sandy towels from the beach,…

Growing in Goodness & Kindness

Goodness and kindness are two of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galations 5:22-23) that tend to be hard to pin down specifically.  To be kind is to be good.  To do good is kind.  Here are some helpful thoughts that may help you differentiate goodness and kindness and apply them to your family and community. Goodness (Focusing on the moral aspect): Morally honorable (people of integrity) Intrinsically good Pleasing to…

Growing in Self-Control

We are nearing the end of the school year.  It is a time of joy and anticipation as students graduate, and summer is just around the corner.  At the same time, it is almost the end of the school year!  There are tests, projects, year-end activities, . . . when did it get so busy?  And then to think:  Will Joey ever remember to bring home his lunchbox?  Will Hailey…

Adrea Schiedler Photography

Dear Joyce, I have become so impatient . . .

Dear Joyce, I have two preschoolers and one child in elementary school.  I feel like I am very irritable and short most of the time, and I never thought I would be so impatient.  My 4-year-old disobeys constantly, and I find that I am screaming at him every day. My kids are screaming and hurting each other. What can I do? Help!  Sarah Dear Sarah, Thanks for acknowledging your struggles.…