Discipline is a word that evokes a variety of emotions in people. It is the fear when you got in trouble. It is the “Charlie Brown” lecture that falls to deaf ears. It is the frustrated mom at her wit’s end. It is the time-out or spanking. It is a memory of a raging parent. As parents, if we dig deeper into our hopes for our children, we can reinterpret…
Home: Strengthening Your Marriage
As we continue our series, Home: A Place To Grow, strengthening the marriage is key to reinforcing the foundation of our family. As you live each day, a simple and easy way to remember how to improve your marriage is to look at Psalm 118. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24 [NIV] If we break up this…
Help Me Convey The Reason For The Season
Surprise!!! December is here (again!). This is the season where the lists get longer and the stress thermometer begins to rise. We need to “prepare for the season” on top of all the regular stuff that needs to be accomplished. So how can we refocus our vision to see beyond the to-do lists and be intentional about bringing out the true meaning of the holidays? First, we need to identify…
Help Me With My Chaos
When we are feeling OVERWHELMED from the chaos in our lives . . . HELP us God!! During our weeks, we have external chaos and internal chaos. The external: schedules, deadlines, meetings, obligations, illness . . . The internal: disorganization, perfectionism, depression, stress, fear, anxiety, self-esteem, loss . . . How do we address our hurts? What is our hope? What can be done to help? What’s the hurt? Is your chaos the clutter? An over-scheduled life? Not enough…