The Parent Adventure

The Parent Adventure: Planning The Adventure

There are so many unplanned moments that happen in a family – broken plumbing, unexpected health emergencies, a call from the Principal, moving to a new city, your child threatening to run away, evacuating your home, flights cancelled, sickness diagnosed – you have to constantly be flexible and change . . . and be ready to go on a detour. This is not easy! When parenting, planning helps give margin to our lives – so we don’t spin completely out of control in the midst of crisis.

Home Improvement: Strengthening Your Marriage

Over the years we have noticed that model homes and remodeled homes have a primary suite that is really quite impressive. There are walk-in closets, lots of space, spa-like bathrooms. The primary suite is huge; kids rooms are small. Emotionally & functionally, however, we find that kids tend to get the big rooms in our life. We neglect caring for the marriage room, and our marriage relationship becomes a hallway where we just pass through to take care of self, take a quick shower, take care of kids.