Building the Resume

Becki Riggs Photography

Becki Riggs Photography

Over the years, I have helped a lot of my students prepare their college and scholarship applications.  As I guide and advise them through the process, I wondered, “What is the world looking for?” I went to the Disney website and found a summary of job skills they were looking for in their applicants:

  • Effective communication
  • Works well in a team
  • Analytical ability
  • Computer proficiency
  • Project management
  • Detail oriented
  • Builds relationships

I am fortunate that I get to speak to moms whose children’s ages span from infants & toddlers to tweens & teens!  When I saw this job description, I thought it was a great guide on how we should begin thinking about training and discipleship at home.  What qualities does your child possess today?  What can you build in him for tomorrow?

Is Susie an effective communicator?  [Preschool]  Teaching please and thank you. [Teen]  Speaking with respect and confidence.

Does Tommy work well in a team?  [Preschool] Sharing toys, playing games.  [Teen]  Team sports, choral groups, student council – can he lead as well as compromise?  Teaching good sportsmanship.

Does Mary have good analytical skills?  [Preschool] Teaching cause and effect.  [Teen]  Problem solving in life and in academics.

Is Joey computer proficient?  (This may be one where the children eventually teach their parents!)  Because technology is changing so quickly, remember you are still in charge and make the boundaries.  Being computer proficient doesn’t mean unlimited access, but responsible access.

Can Ava be a project manager?  [Preschool]  Have them be in charge of small projects like setting the table, feeding the dog, watering the plants.  [Teen]  Teaching organization and time-management.

Is Timothy detail-oriented?  [Preschooler] Picking up the legos . . . all the legos.  [Teen]  Double checking and follow-through.  Even if you aren’t wired to be meticulous and precise, you train and build good habits that help your child manage life’s details.

Can Jamie build lasting relationships?  [Preschool / Teen]  Friendships and sibling relationships are perfect opportunities to work on all the weaknesses.

Help train your child for tomorrow because college resumes are made up of 18 years of “todays”!
