Dear Joyce, I am struggling with insecurity. Since the birth of my third child, my body is a wreck, and I feel so unattractive. HELP!!! – Macey Dear Macey, When we had our babies in the ’70’s, it seemed to be okay for mothers to look like a mother. We were not expected to be in skinny jeans right after birthing. Our bodies are designed to support nursing and mothering.…
Help Me God, I’m a Parent
The baby was up every 3 hours last night. Felt like I hardly slept a wink last night. Make breakfast, pack lunch, and wash last night’s dinner dishes (maybe). Start the coffee, grab my bag . . . where did I put my car keys last night? Drop-off at school by 8 AM. Don’t forget to pack a snack. Running late – hope there’s not too much traffic. Take preschooler…
Being a Problem Solver
We can’t have a healthy family without some conflict. It’s normal because we are intimate with each other. Our goal is to know how to be a problem solver: Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. Romans 14:19 [NIV] Where do our conflicts come from? The book of James highlights our personal motives: What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t…
Dear Joyce, What are your thoughts on chores?
Dear Joyce, I saw a chart of chores children should be doing when they are 2-3 years old, preschoolers, elementary, middle school, etc. It was a huge list such as having toddlers dusting, emptying the dishwasher, washing baseboards . . . and having preschoolers vacuuming, washing dishes, and much more. What are your thoughts on chores? Cindy Dear Cindy, First of all, I would not want my toddler emptying the dishwasher,…