Making Connections

Sarah J Photography

Connect – (v.)  to join or fasten together.

Connecting allows us to join as a family and fasten our values together.  A strong connection requires quality AND quantity time.  Are there connection busters in your life that cause you to be:  over committed, self-absorbed, preoccupied, fatigued, stressed?  Prioritize your life by making sure first things don’t come last.

Need help to prioritize?

  1. Think:  Do I take enough time for the most important areas of my life?
  2. Before your begin a task, ask yourself: How important is this & does it need to be done right away?
  3. Jot down lists of things you need to do.
  4. Don’t compare or copy your life after other people.
  5. Evaluate what you need to cut out of your schedule to simplify you life.

When we prioritize who and what is important, we make more room for connecting with our God and our family.  Connect more by:

  • Eating meals together
  • Communicating when you come and go
  • Having one-on-one time with each child
  • Meeting needs as they come up
  • Asking questions: What’s going well for you?  What’s not going well?
  • Planning and going on family outings/vacations

So before you connect with the TV, internet, email, or facebook, consider connecting face-to-face with the important people in your life and build on those significant relationships.
