Related Posts: Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships, Living the Lesson: Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships (Part I) Psalm 10:17,18 - “You hear oh Lord the desire of the afflicted, you encourage them, you listen to their cry, defending the fatherless and the oppressed.†In your family of origin, if you came crying about your affliction, how did your dad/mom respond to you? How do you respond now to your husband/wife and your…
Living the Lesson: Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships (Part I)
As a follow-up to our Parenting – An Investment That Grows posts, Marv includes a Living the Lesson scripture search to help moms and dads dig deeper into the Word of God. These questions are meant to help you think through the areas where God may be transforming in your life. Related Post: Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships Deuteronomy 33:27a – “The eternal God is your refuge and underneath are the…
Bonding Makes Lasting Relationships
Bonding is about investing in relationships that last. When we build bonds at home, the desire is for your child to know where she belongs, know who is there for her, and know she can come to you at any time. How do we make this happen? We need to initiate. God provides a great example for us in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3, after Eve and Adam…
Living the Lesson: Parenting Investments and Dividends
As a follow-up to some of our parenting posts, Marv will include a Living the Lesson scripture search to help moms and dads dig deeper into the Word of God. These questions are meant to help you think through the areas where God may be transforming in your life. Related post: Parenting Investments and Dividends Continuing on parenting investments and dividends, it is good to remember that it is a…